Back in July, I wrote a piece called “Why Yelp (…and every single retail establishment) Should Support Foursquare”.  Whitney McNamara referred to as the “post that launched 1000 VCs”, but it was really meant to open up a dialogue between an innovative little company hyperfocused on an important piece of data—when people show up to venues—and a bigger company dependent on relationships with venues. 

Apparently, Yelp misread the most.

In a direct rip off of Foursquare, they added check-in functionality.

As Wired’s John Abell puts it:

“Yelp isn’t even bothering to hide its direct aping of FourSquare with version 4.0.0 of its iPhone app, which allows you to “‘Check-in’ to businesses when you are out to tell your friends where you are.” That’s the exact same language Foursquare uses to encourage users to report their location.”

What that does is to signal to the market that if you have a good idea in local, Yelp will eat you without even so much as giving you the courtesy of reviewing you after.  The hilarious thing is that Yelp actually thinks it can beat Foursquare at its own game—and it is a game, one that founder Dennis Crowley has been thinking about for at least 8 years.  Gaming dynamics is not the core competency of Yelp, so why bother?  In the long history of bigger companies thinking they can beat out the small guy that only thinks about this one thing, the small guy just about always wins.

If I were using the Yelp API for anything important now, I’d be unplugging faster than that gooey scene in the Matrix where the tubes start popping off of Neo.  Good luck hiring anyone innovative, too.  If Yelp proves this startup unfriendly, how long before they start going after its own engineers who undoubtedly have their own side projects?  If I were thinking about a startup or participating in any kind of startup activity, like classes or an incubator, and I worked at Yelp fulltime, I’d go take a look at the assignment of IP rights in my employment contract.  Yelp just showed its true colors:  It’s not a startup anymore, and it will try to crush anyone that gets in its way—Microsoft 90’s style.  That’s not the kind of place innovators tend to like to work.

Undoubtedly, that kind of strategy will actually work against Yelp in today’s ecology.  As we learned from Fred’s post, an innovation friendly approach to working with other companies around it, like Twitter does, can actually create a reach up to 5x that of it’s core service.  Given that the people that actually pay Yelp, venues, only care about reach—by scaring off innovative partners who might want to work with the company, Yelp is doing a disservice to its long term value creation strategy for itself and its customers. 

On top of that, news broke that the company is taking $50 million from Elevation Partners—which includes a secondary offering for long-time employees as well.  That’s key, because it means that the core DNA of the company—the key folks who have been there for years and built it into what it is today, just took money off the table.  Count on that money going to a lot of mortgage down payments and moves to the suburbs—and count on the startup hunger of the little social reviews company that could to fall off the table.  Yelp missed its chance to exit at a nice valuation after six years of hard work.  With money off the table and big company bad behavior in the innovation community, look for the mass exodus soon—I’m sure the recruiters are already circling. 

You can get posts like these e-mailed to you once a week on Mondays by going here.

Am I the only one that thinks that perhaps Steve Jobs will be introducing two Apple tablets next week... made of stone...  from a mountain?  Seems like anything less would be a letdown.

Oh, and btw...  big miss on someone not doing a diversity hack-a-thon on Monday.  That would have been awesomesauce.  Next year!

Tuesday, January 19th
5:00PM Jan #140conf NYC Meetup

An opportunity to discuss the emerging Real-Time Internet and the effects on business. A monthly gathering for friends of #140conf to get together and discuss issues of the day.


6:00PM Fashion 2.0: Startups Showcase

Fashion 2.0 and FashInvest invite the online fashion community to present their startups to the audience and special feedback panel consisting of leading investors in the space.


6:30PM Ultra Light Legal Series: January 2010

The Ultra Light Roundtable features a set of short talks on related topics of interest to entrepreneurs and business owners.  This month's talk is about corporate formation, investor visas and and tax accounting for startups.

6:30PM Digital Media MBA January '10 Happy Hour w/Foursquare Co-Founder

Please join other MBA grads from top tier schools for our Happy Hour this month when we will be joined by our latest "Featured Guest", Naveen Selvadurai, who is the co-founder of Foursquare, one of the most talked about startups in the mobile social networking industry.


Wednesday, January 20th
EVENT OF THE WEEK: 7PM Kevin Ryan & Henry Blodget: NYTech -10 +10 @ 92Y Tribecca

The city's enhancement-free version of the "Bash Brothers" talk NYC Tech in 2000, 2010, and 2020... what is changing/what isn't -- what are we willing to bet on, and where are the wildcards.


Thursday, January 21st

6:15PM: Entrepreneurs Roundtable 22 - First Pitch Event - SOLD OUT

At this Entrepreneurs Roundtable, we will have pitches from students and first-time entrepreneurs who are being mentored by highly-experienced VCs, investors and entrepreneurs.
Get updated on future Entrepreneurs Roundtable events:

7:00PM: Etsy Speaker Series: Douglas Rushkoff

Douglas Rushkoff is an award-winning writer, documentary filmmaker and scholar. He made the PBS Frontline documentaries Merchants of Cool, The Persuaders, and the upcoming Digital Nationpremiering February 2. 

I’ll admit it: Everytime I hear that familiar “Ra-ra, ah-ah ah-ah, Ra-ma ra ma-ma, Ga-ga ooh la-la”, I crank up the volume.  The outlandishly costumed fellow former Upper East Side prep schooler has garnered some serious mass appeal over the last two years.  But what can you attribute Ms. Germanotta’s success to, and moreover, what can the average tech startup learn from it?

Yes…  I’m totally writing this post, and you can’t stop me.  There will be no more stops on this trainwreck, so you’re on until the end of the line.

1) Be remarkable.  People forget what that word actually means—to Two words: bubble dress.  It’s so outlandish that you can’t help but notice.  “Is she really wearing… a bubble dress?”  You want to force your users to stop for a moment and actually take note of something you did for them.  “Was it really that easy?”  “How did they figure that out?”  You want them to turn to the next person and say “Hey, check this out.”  I think too often people add “share on Twitter” buttons to their apps without first adding something that people would actually want to share.  What is it about your service that will make people stop and notice?

2) Repeat the message as often as possible: “Pa-pa-pa-Poker Face”, “Ra-ma ra ma-ma”, “Papa-paparazzi”, “Let’s play a love game, play a love game”…   Many of Gaga’s lyrics and sounds are repeated one right after another—simple, but memorable when listened to over and over again.  Figuring out what your simple message is and repeating it across your site, your marketing copy, PR, and in business development meetings is a way to build brand awareness and clarity.  Too often, I hear from startups all the things they could possibly be instead of hearing the one simple thing they want to be, over and over again.   Your audience looks at a million brand messages a day and to cut through, you can’t be a different thing everytime someone experiences you—or worse yet, everything to everyone.  Sometimes, broken records aren’t so bad.

3) Be relentless.  Startups, like a lot of music acts, are often one hit wonders.  They make a big splash upon launch, everyone fusses over them, and then they have no follow up.  They quickly lose momentum.  On the other hand, just when one Lady Gaga song starts losing steam—BOOM—here comes another tune that you just can’t get out of your head, seemingly once every couple of months.  Startups need to do this more with both their product and their public relations strategy.  You might be the new new thing now, but what’s going to be your next hit?  A big business development deal?  A killer new feature?  Rarely are startups ever made on their launch, and neither are lasting music careers.  You can’t ever rest on your laurels in either game.  Always be raising the bar.

4) Create something bigger than just the individual.  At some point, you go from two developers in an apartment to a real company—and things take on a life of its own that is over and above the individual identities of the founders.  Lady Gaga did this by creating a persona separate from her real self.  I’m pretty sure her family still calls her Stefani, but Gaga has become larger than life.  For a startup, this happens when a company actually starts to act like a real company—getting outside board members to regularly report to, taking strategy and process seriously, maintaining consistent corporate identities.  It also means delegation of duty and responsibility, adherence of procedure.  The earlier the founders of a company act like they’ve created something bigger than themselves, the sooner they actually get there.    

5) Respect success.  Lady Gaga has clearly been influenced by Madonna, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, and others—and she seamlessly and subtlety incorporates little homages to these superstars into her performance.  On the other hand, some stars pick fights with those who have come before them or portray themselves as a replacement instead of recognizing that there’s a reason why others are successful, even if they aren’t always the most innovative.  This is something I wish more startups would do—see what’s working for other companies way more successful than you are and adopt well executed strategies used by others.  Too many times I ask a company about some feature or strategy that the industry leader has, and the startup is quick to dismiss it.  They mistake different for new and better.  It’s as if they think I won’t be interested in an investment unless they’re going to crush the leader feature by feature with a whole new approach.  If you can’t recognize greatness, and build off of it, then you’re going to be unlikely to be great on your own. 

If you need to replicate yourself to attend any of these events, remember:  Don't make a copy of a copy!

Tuesday, January 12th

6:30PM Agile UX at the Economist (Waitlist only)

The Economist online will share their experiences, successes and lessons learned around practicing user-centered design in an Agile development process. This includes user research and testing, Drupal-based surveys, collaborative design tools using Google docs and a Drupal-based site called Good Ideas that supports collaboration around internal bottom-up (grass-roots) innovation.

RSVP for waitlist:

Wednesday, January 13th

6PM Digital Somethings: 2010 and Beyond

WHO: @JennyDeluxe (Jenna Wortham, NY Times, Bits Blog), @AdamOstrow (Editor in Chief, Mashable), @DanPatterson (ABC News Radio, Blog), @RSHotel (Blog, Website), @PRNewswire (Jim King, SVP, Audience)

WHAT 2010 and Beyond - The Trends That Will Alter Media and Technology As We Know It (Open Bar from 8-9 p.m.)


6:30PM Health 2.0 NYC Chapter January 2010 Meetup

January meetup is dedicated to " enabling better care by enabling clinical staff" and we have just the presenters for that.

January 2010 Presenters:

1. YourNurseIsOn - Matthew Browning, CEO

2. OmniPACS - Francisco Parin, President & CEO


Thursday, January 14th

6:00PM: Hackers & Founders NYC Meetup #8 + Demos

This month, we'll be hosting a special format of "lightning demos" at Dogpatch Labs in Union Square before usual beer and burgers.



6:30PM: DigitalFlashNYC Networking Event on E-Readers

Kindle, Nook, Sony E-Reader, the Apple tablet (maybe?). Electronic “books” are rapidly changing the way we read information. Popular Science Magazine is developing a revolutionary way to view magazines and they want you to tell them what you think. Is this a good idea? How does this effect digital marketing? Just as the internet changed the way we could market, will e-books do the same?

Come see what the Popular Science guys have to say and give your 2 cents – trust us, they want your feedback!


6:30PM: What the RDF? ... Firsthand perspectives from Semantic Technology in action

Semantic technologies promise to change the landscape of the web and enhance the user experience. Like many evolving technologies, there remains a gap between theory and practice.

We’ll share our experience developing enterprise and consumer facing semantic search applications from three perspectives: Content and user experience, knowledge engineering and technology.


Being in China right now I am more convinced than ever that when historians look back at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, they will say that the most important thing to happen was not the Great Recession, but China’s Green Leap Forward. The Beijing leadership clearly understands that the E.T. — Energy Technology — revolution is both a necessity and an opportunity, and they do not intend to miss it.

We, by contrast, intend to fix Afghanistan. Have a nice day.


I still want to know where all the Green jobs are.

There’s been a lot of movement lately in the “stuff I buy” area—and there has been for some time.  Starting perhaps with Amazon’s recommendation tools, we’ve got helping us figure out where our income goes, Facebook’s attempts at Beacon, and now Blippy letting me post my purchases to my friends. 

Still, we’re not at the point where every single purchase, down to the bar of soap, what brand of razor I use, and what kind of cheese I eat, is captured.  Point of sale systems have all this data—hell, those that control the POS even share it with mass marketers like Catalina, who actually know more about what I buy than I do.  The rest of us are stuck with the “Fresh Direct - $89.53” we pull out of Mint or check out in our credit card statement online. 

So when and why does that change?  Seems to me that Square is going to do this, but will that be enough to move the industry?  This could really break open recommendations and also innovation around deals & savings, but at the same time give the user greater control.  Perhaps one day I’ll have a Catalina login where I can indicate that I purchased that wine for a party and that I don’t actually drink, so take it off my profile, just like taking things out of the queue or Tivo. 

Who’s thinking about this?  

Physical activity has long been known to bestow such benefits as helping to maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress, not to mention tightening those abs. Now, a growing body of research is showing that regular exercise—as simple as a brisk 30- to 45-minute walk five times a week—can boost the body's immune system, increasing the circulation of natural killer cells that fight off viruses and bacteria. And exercise has been shown to improve the body's response to the influenza vaccine, making it more effective at keeping the virus at bay.

"No pill or nutritional supplement has the power of near-daily moderate activity in lowering the number of sick days people take," says David Nieman, director of Appalachian State University's Human Performance Lab in Kannapolis, N.C.


Tuesday, I joined Howard Morgan, Josh Kopelman, Chris Fralic, Phin Barnes, and our GC Doug Bernstein on First Round Capital’s tour of NYC startup spaces—temp offices and incubators where there were critical masses of companies doing innovative things.  We went to two Sunshine Suites locations, all three TechSpaces, the Incubator at RoseTech, the NYU/Poly Incubator, and New Work City.  Our goals were twofold—one, of course, to meet new and interesting companies at an early stage and two, to let people know that we’re an active NYC investor willing to look at companies at such an early stage that the whole company is two people, two desks, and a whiteboard.  At the same time, we pride ourselves on being a hustling, customer focused business—like the companies that we invest in—so showing people that we’re willing to come to them versus being an “ivory tower” VC that waits for you to go to them.

Miko Mercer at LaunchSquad helped us with some of the PR event, which included a great piece in the WSJ and awesome coverage in CenterNetworks.  She collaborated with Ben Kessler on a great video record of the days events as well:

I learned quite a lot about the startup ecology during the walk:

1) First off, every space like this needs an advocate—not just someone to call when the toilet overflows but someone who not only knows the companies in their space, the residents by their first name, the potential synergies, but who is also tapped into the outside world that these companies live in.  I was struck by the shepard-like position that Bruce Niswander holds at NYU/Poly and how much Paula Hughes at Techspace Chelsea was tapped into the local startup community and paying attention to that world through social media. 

2) Some spaces are more tech-y than others—and one thing we learned is that there’s a big difference between a startup incubator and a temp office space.  I thought we were going to run into more bootstrapped companies like Yipit than we did—two guys putting out the money to work in a small office because they found themselves to be more productive outside of their house.  What’s clear is that most entpreneurs are not spending their own money on desk space—but perhaps to their own detriment.  Some of the facilities here were really impressive—and clearly there was a sense of collaboration among the teams we met that you don’t necessarily find when everyone is working remotely.

3)  Much more needs to be done to bridge the gap between the communites inside these spaces and the community outside.  Most of us at First Round hadn’t seen all of these spaces, and many of the residents I spoke to didn’t necessarily know about things like nextNY or any of the more focused meetups that have been going on.  I talked to a few of the spaces about hosting more events for outsiders to bridge that gap and help advertise what they have.

4) VCs are much more resiliant than I thought they’d be.  While not all of them made it the whole length of the trip, I was pretty impressed with the walking speed and general resistance to the 20-degree temps shown by the First Round Capital team.

5) A place where the innovation community could use a little more glue is among service providers, consultants, and investors.  I ran into two PR firms that had done work for First Round portfolio companies that I didn’t know too much about—and a graphic design and user experience shop that had built some of the largest ecommerce sites in the world.  These are important resources for an invester to be able to share with companies—and they also see a fair number of companies themselves.

6) Startups generally suck at “wide open networking”—where the purpose of a meeting isn’t specifically stated.  There were a bunch of companies that I met that didn’t initially come out to see us who hesitated because they weren’t sure if they were supposed to be pitching, if there was a signup, or they had already raised money.  As an entrepreneur, you need to be out there building a huge network.  Even if you raised money, as a feeder fund for larger VC firms, we probably have better relationships with most of the top tier funds than anyone else—and if you’re not right for us, we’re happy to pass you on.  At the same time, with more than 60 companies in our portfolio, it would be really surprising to me if there wasn’t someone you couldn’t strike a biz dev deal with, get bought by, etc.  Startups need to do a better job of realizing the opportunity that arises when someone with a big network just wants to shoot the shit and talk shop.