All in Random Stuff

There are certainly a lot of places out on the web where you can take a personality test, but for the more serious ones (not the Superhero test), comparing results to others isn't always easy.

That's going to be our next update to the test... the ability to compare your results with other people.

For now, though, people have been sending me screenshots of their Path 101 personality test results and asking me what I got on mine, so I figured I'd share:

Interesting that I'm empathetic, but kind of emotionless.  "I understand your problems, but I just don't care about them."  :)

What did you get on your test?

Haven't taken it yet?  What are you waiting for?  A Beta?  :)

Queens girl Debi Mazar is one of my favorite actresses.  I just flipped on the TV while I was eating breakfast and caught some Jackie Chan movie she was in and got sort of curious about what she was up to.  Wikipedia pointed me to Under the Tuscan Gun, which is the video blog about cooking her and her husband have. 

It's pretty cool to see someone you've only seen in movies in their home, unscripted, just being themselves with their loved one.  What I really liked was that, in their recent episode, they had to start at close to midnight after they put the kids to bed.  Still, they got all dressed up and had a little cooking date at home.  How cute are these two?  Now if only Gabriele learned the difference between a peach and a nectarine...

This makes me think of the random Christopher Walken cooking at home video.  Are there any other celebrity cooking blogs out there? 

The web:  Where regular people can be celebrities and celebrities are regular people.

Who else would you like to see at home making a meal?

Here's my top five:

  1. Barack & Michelle Obama
  2. Robert DeNiro
  3. David Byrne
  4. Marilyn Manson
  5. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale

Right now, I'm ceonyc all over the web.  I've so swamped these six letters all over the web, that even the domain name (which I don't have... it belongs to a strop club) doesn't come up in the first few pages of Google.  When's the last time you saw that?

So when I saw that ICANN is opening up other types of domain suffixes, it's pretty obvious that, at some point, there will be a .nyc, in which case, I'm calling rights to right now.  So there!

Can I trademark it?

I don’t mean to offend anyone with this post.  I read it over several times.  I don’t think it’s so bad, but, you never know. 

That’s the existence of the white guy.  You go along thinking that everything you do is pretty much acceptable, because most of the time you’re surrounded by other equally insensitive white guys, until everything blows up in your face and you realize you’ve offended everyone and you’re just privileged scum.

Sensitivity training for you! 

You no blog, one year!

I’ll just say ahead of time that I’m sorry…  or not sorry… whatever I’m supposed to be as someone who is well intentioned, but ill-advised.

I don't think I'm any more racially biased than I am about any other natural bias that I'm probably not conscious of. I may be biased against lefties...I'm not aware of it, but its certainly possible.

Then again, I don't really have any black friends. Is that bad? Am I supposed to? If so, how many?

You know, I mentored an Indian finance student and 99% of her friends were Indian.

I said she could just call me “Token”.

Oh, wait...

Indians are white, too...or...I mean.. Caucasian. Is that the same thing?

In the UK, they're called Asian. 


How's that one group? So Ghandi and Yao Ming are both Asian?


At that point, what's the point of doing any grouping whatsoever? Might as well just call all of them "people".

Or am I supposed to be color blind and not notice? We have a black guy on our dodgeball team, but he never shows. Maybe he doesn't like us because we're white. Are we unconsciously making him feel uncomfortable because he's black... or is it more because he's just slowfooted? Perhaps it's the latter. Are we allowed to be biased against the slow footed?

He was born that way probably--slow footed, I mean. 

I don’t know if he was born black.  That might have been a lifestyle choice.  I didn’t want to pry.

We don't have any Asians. They're not white, either, I guess—even though I’m darker than just about all of them.

I was always confused how they got counted as a "minority" anyway.  I mean, sure, there’s less of them around, but there are less of everyone when compared to some other group, if you think about it—except “people”.  There’s never more people than in the “people” group.

There's a program for getting finance students from minority groups into banks and they included Asians. Given all the cultural stereotypes that exist in the world, does the Asian guy who went to NYU Stern need an extra boost over the Italian from Bensonhurst?  Who’s more likely to convince Goldman Sachs they'd be the harder working quantitative investment banking analyst? Hey, I don't mean to offend anyone or perpetuate any stereotypes further, I'm just saying...

Besides, is "hardworking and really smart" the worst stereotype to have in the world? I don't think that's so bad.

I'll trade you the "privileged and lazy" white American stereotype for smart and hardworking any day.

I've never dated an Asian or Black girl either..not for lack of trying, though. Perhaps bald white guys don't have cross cultural curb appeal. I don't know. I tried really hard to date this Asian girl that looked like Tia Carrere in high school, but her parents wouldn't allow her to date. 

Well, that was what she told me anyway.  I guess sometimes cultural stereotypes are sometimes convenient date excuses as well.

Asian women sometimes get offended if one of the reasons that you want to date them is the fact that they’re Asian—no Asian fetishes, please!  Well, what if you actually like their culture and happen to find their look attractive?  Is that bad?  Some people love tall blondes, but you’ll never hear a Swede say, “No Scandinavian fetishes!”

No Italian fetishes, please!  I’m not interested in any girl that wants me because of my darker complexion, fuzziness, ability to cook, or thickheadedness.  Hmm… what’s left, then?

Barack Obama's impending presidency has caused a lot of white people...and frankly a lot of people in general to think about the nature of race in this country.

Frankly, us dumb white guys are a little confused about what we're supposed to be thinking about it.

We don't want to offend anyone, get sued, or get our asses just tell us what're supposed to think and do.

Are we supposed to acknowledge the fact that he's Black (or partly) and celebrate the breaking of historical barriers?  Or, are we in a new era where we're past all that grouping and we are, in fact, all just people?

Like I said...I don't care either way. I just don't want to get in trouble or lose my radio advertisers.

I've had two conversations with people in the last 24 hours who told me that they were trying to get over exes.  The process has captured their focus and is preventing them from seriously considering getting to know new people.

I think the idea of getting over someone is terrible and that we need to stop putting so much pressure on people to "move on".  Let's be realistic.  Unless the person you loved changes or you change, you're always going to love or at least be a little in love with them--and that's not a bad thing.  I just think most people aren't confident enough to be ok with the fact that the person they're with still has feelings for someone else.

But why wouldn't you?  That's totally natural.  If you were with someone for a long time, loving that person is always going to be part of who you are, and to be honest, if someone meets you and says, "Hey, I can't deal with you until you totally forget that person," then they're in a sense trying to deny part of what makes you who you are.  Hell, there's a part of me that still loves my high school girlfriend from like a dozen years ago--but it's not really active love.  It's just the kind of nostalgic fond memory of a time long since passed--a love for the innocence of the time.  The reality is that I haven't spoken to her in years and I have no idea what she's like now... but as far as that person that I knew in that moment in time, that feeling will certainly never go away.  It's part of who I am--I'm just not losing any sleep over it.

Of course, it's different if you're still actively trying to win back someone or get back together--but once you realize that's not happening, I'd be completely ok getting to know someone who has recently got out of a relationship.   Ending relationships cause a lot of introspection and self evaluation.  "Who am I?"  "What was I doing?"  "What do I really want?"   These are all questions that the end of a relationship brings that I want whoever I'm dating to be asking themselves in a pretty serious way.

If anything, actually, I'd rather be with someone who recently proved the capacity and willingness to love someone and commit to them versus someone who's last attempt at vulnerability is a long distant memory. 

What I'm saying is, don't be embarrassed over emotions in turmoil, or feel like it makes you some kind of relationship leper.  You are who you are at any given time, and if a new person doesn't accept that, just forget them.  We ALL have baggage.  Baggage helps us travel.  We take it with us to prepare ourselves for our trips, to hold on to valuable keepsakes that meant something to us.  You'd be crazy not to take baggage with you on a trip.  You shouldn't let it way you down, though, but don't pretend you don't have or need it either.   

I may pack light, but I have baggage, too.  Some of it is old and some of it is new, but I have no interest in anyone who can't deal with its existence.

Thought Industry: It's 3:00 am And I Can't Sleep

Look, between you, me and Google, I would love nothing more than to unlock the doors to allow you a chance to learn how I really feel.

About emerging media.

About my coworkers.

My family.

My friends.


The fact of the matter is I can be a coward. It's the same cowardice people discover when tasked with answering a survey question with a response that satisfies what they think people want to hear verses what they truly believe.