tmarman: The @shakeshack event was a resounding success - everyone thank @ceonyc again for his effort on setting of up. Go #nextNY!
vacanti: @ceonyc Best new york tech event I have been to, BY FAR. Awesome job.
dangellert: Back from basketball and a great event put together by @ceonyc. Great food and great people
jonsteinberg: @ceonyc Let me throw my kudos on top of everyone else. Fantastic event...great meeting face to face (again)
DorianBenkoil: @ceonyc It was a wonderful thing, all that Shakin' going on.
Dan121377: @ceonyc A for the event. A+ for the Hannibal Smith reference.
sachinag: @ceonyc That was great. You should be proud. Many thanks!
alexandergordon: Fun night at @ceonyc's @shakeshack and TechSet. No more talkie, time for sleepy
rauenzahner: @ceonyc knows how to set up an event. ShakeShack was a huge success and I met some really awesome people!
caroliiine: Also, big props to @ceonyc for throwing one hell of a burgerfest.
tobins: @ceonyc Thanks so much for putting @shakeshack together. Met a lot of new folks and had great discussions.
epc: @ceonyc Fantastic job on @shakeshack tonight!
christianbusch: Thanks to @ceonyc and plus other sponsors for pulling together @shakeshack! Good community event and great people
Shripriya: @ceonyc very nice job, charlie. you should be proud of yourself...
dherman76: Great job @ceonyc for @shakeshack event. Had a great time!
WayneMulligan: @ceonyc Great event Charlie!!
zarzecks: @ceonyc kudos on such a great event. Was a blast.
jasonoliver: @ceonyc great job with the event man. Let's definitely grab food sometime soon.
tikkers: Huge thanks to @ceonyc and and the rest of the sponsors for the @shakeshack event!!
whitneymcn: @kortina Good to meet you too, and @ceonyc - thanks for making this happen! Great party, though I'd expect nothing less from @shakeshack. :)
kortina: dinner @shakeshack w @navajeet @ceonyc @innonate @charlesforman @rauenzahner @jonsteinberg @whitneymcn @alexlines @ et al! back to work...
Philip_James: Great event @shakeshack, good work to @ceonyc
dam00n: @ceonyc great event fantastic kickoff to the week
CathleenRitt: Hey @ceonyc and the people at and of course @shakeshack sure know how to throw a party
Jschwa: @ceonyc seriously nice job that was no joke
innonate: @ceonyc Is. The. Man. GREAT party man. You killed it.
ronaldbradford: home after Web 2.0 NY events. Shake Shack, sponsored by and Women in Tech. Both great networking.
mylerdude: Wow! The @chimp bash at the shake shack totally rocked. NYC take note: that's how it's done.
MCholly: very goid NextNY event at (drum roll please).....shake shack! Nice meeting food and seeing familar faces
BeenVerified: Shake Shack event went great, will post pics on blog soon. Gearing up for Web2.0 Expo now...
imnoah: Good food at shake shack/nextny party. Now off to techset party
RobFarrow: Hanging at shakes shack, crowd is jumping
mknell: wow - the entire Shake Shack is shut for this...Cool :)