The e-mails are starting to trickle in...
"Help, I lost my job!"
"I've been laid off!"
"Please help my friend find a job!"
We're in difficult, uncertain times, no doubt... and how many of you feel prepared? Have you ever even been taught how to job search?
And no, uploading and e-mailing your resume everywhere and just waiting patiently for a resumes doesn't count. Why? Because very rarely does anyone get a job like that.
I think most people know that but they just don't know what else to do. That's why we're running a live event about just that: How to approach your career and job search in a bad economy.
EVENT: Keeping your career UP in a DOWNTURN: Strategies for a Bad Economy
On Saturday, December 13th, we're assembling some really fantastic sessions with top career experts to help you more effectively job search and shore up your career during a very uncertain time. We've tried very hard to keep our costs low and so we're able to bring you the full day seminar for less than $100.
Our event will take place at the New York Seminar and Conference Center at 71 West 23rd Street from 9-5PM and lunch will be provided. Here's the topic overview:
- Where's the damage and how bad?? Economic reality check and sector focus
- Keeping a cool head...and mind and body: Recessionary Zen
- Last employee standing: Making yourself indispensible to your employer
- When your job is finding a job: A day to day gameplan
- Going to the mattresses: Budgeting and personal finance tips
- Old dogs, new tricks: Reinventing yourself and your career
- Networking 2.0: Using blogs, LinkedIn and other social media to stand
out and get found
Similar events are charging $75 for sessions on social media alone! Sign up ASAP, because, given the timeliness of the topic, tickets are going pretty fast.
Please pass this on to anyone you know that has been laid off or just worried about their career who you know isn't conducting a very efficient job search right now and needs help.