Why aren't you working for a startup?

When's the last time you worked until tomorrow and had a great time? How many meetings have you had in the last week with more than four people that went nowhere and accomplished nothing? More than five people? Eight? Have you ever heard your boss say, "Well, if we run low on cash, I'll just take a salary cut, eat less, and tap my savings a little more?" Are you passionate about what your company does? Do you have enough skin in the game where you start to think, "Wow, if we really kick ass, I could buy that car/house/island" or are you kissing all the ass you can to make sure your boss and coworkers give you good reviews during bonus time so you can just pay off your credit card bill? When you tell people where you work, do they say, "Wow, that's a really cool idea" or do they mention someone who also works for the same 55,000 employee company and ask if you know them...as if the whole goddamn company goes out for a huge picnic with "hello my name is" nametags once a week. Has your company ever gone on a picnic with "hello my name is" nametags? Has your company ever done anything requiring "hello my name is" nametags? Is the whole reason for your company's existance to find a new way of doing something or do you find spreadsheets, code, and docs related to your job that date back to 1999 on the company's servers? Do you jump up excitedly when a random ass conversation with someone in a completely different field helps you figure out some problem you've been thinking about? Maybe even leave to go back home or to work to fix it right then and there? Or do you chastise friends for bringing up work? Are there companies whose products you love to hate that you're going to blow out of the water or is it your company whose products your customers love to hate? Do you get letters from customers and supporters telling you how much they love your product? Do you get hate mail telling you how much your product sucks? Do you get any feedback at all? Every actually met anyone who uses your product that you didn't sell to directly? Do you even think that half of those people use it? When you talk about what you do, do you get so infectiously excited about it that, all of the sudden, everyone around you is talking about it, too?

Why aren't you working for a startup?

links for 2008-01-15

FeedDemon Free: My road back to (web enabled) desktop software