Alex and I threw an idea out there that might be ridiculous, or it might be pretty good.
As we're starting up this business, we'll be accumulating all sorts of little expenses here and there out of our own pockets until we raise this angel round.
For example, we need a logo. I'm sure it will cost us a few hundred bucks at the end of the day. I also want to make a trip up to Toronto because I have a connection to a big group of schools up there. Same with Providence, RI. Trips, obviously, cost money, but they're really valuable to drum up school support, get feedback, and get market knowledge about who else is out there.
Well, what if we could get someone to sponsor these expenses? Would it be worth a law firm, professional services firm, IT consultant, or some collaborative software's money to slap their logo on some aspect of our process? Maybe we'll decorate our company blogs with logos of other companies and say "Logo provided by generous sponsorship by Scion" or something like that?
Is that ridiculous, or just a smart way to monetize the high profile we're fortunate enough to have with this startup?
Anyone want to sponsor our logo design, or contribute a logo design?
I think if someone wanted to do a logo for us, I'd do a video interview with them to put on our blog about the process of doing a logo for us and link to their portfolio.
Maybe we can get a lawyer cheap that way, too. Interview all these professional services folks about how they want to work with us and advertise their services for payment in kind. Hmm...