What Vault.com thinks Venture Capital is all about

From Vault.com's take on VC...   (My comments in parenthesis)

Venture Capital uppers

  1. You often get to be the one making decisions because you have money.   (Except when a deal is a good deal, of course... I mean, you *could* decide to pass on Twitter, but then you'd be an idiot)
  2. Over the long term, you will certainly become rich because the job is well paying and you should eventually get "carry" or equity in the firm.    (Yup... all VCs become rich.. every single last one of them... except of course if you suck at it.)
  3. Being "in the middle of it all" in some of the most interesting industries.  (Ok, I'll give them that...)
  4. You have access to the best minds -the people you work with are typically very smart and interesting.    (As an analyst?  hmm...  :)   )
  5. Your job is to absorb and enjoy the positive creative energy of entrepreneurs and direct it toward successful execution.     (What exactly does that mean?   I couldn't imagine sitting at my desk in reception at USV and telling Brad and Fred, "I'll be absorbing and enjoying creative energy for the rest of the afternoon")
  6. You could suddenly become rich if one of your companies does extremely well and you were able to co-invest or you have carry.   (You could also stand in a field with a big metal pole during a lightning storm...)
  7. You have access to the best information systems.    (Really?   All I got at USV was a laptop and a phone...   Isn't the whole lack of information what enables outsized returns in VC?)

Venture Capital downers

  1. You don't have pride of ownership in anything. You're just an investor, not a builder.   (I'm pretty sure ownership is what you get when you hand someone a check... unless I'm completely mistaken about what "equity investment" means.  Also, a quick read of VC blogs will show you that there is no lacking on the pride side.)
  2. VC is a slow path to wealth compared with the immediate cash income you get in investment banking, hedge funds or even management consulting.   (No, book publishing is a slow path to wealth.  That's like saying the guy who finishes 22nd in the Tour De France was too slow of a cyclist.)
  3. You are a jack-of-all-trades, not an expert. After a few years, you can't do anything other than VC because you grow spoiled by making decisions without much compromise.  (And your muscles atrophy, too... from all that absorbing and enjoying...)
  4. Venture capital is fundamentally a negative process. Because you reject 99 of every 100 plans, year after year, over time you focus on figuring out what is wrong with a company so you can reject it and get onto the next deal. What is wrong with the management? The technology? The deal terms? The strategy? After just a few years, that mentality may bleed into your life. What is wrong with my partners? What is wrong with my spouse? What is wrong with me? Oh, the angst!   (I really need to know which VC they interviewed to get this answer.)
  5. Because you reject 99 of every 100 entrepreneurs, you make a lot of enemies, no matter how nice and helpful you try to be. No one likes rejection, and passionate entrepreneurs have long memories.    (Yes... that's why so many VCs are killed in the line of duty--like a passionate district attorney putting thugs away.)

(Remind me again how this is helpful to a college student or young person starting their career...)

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