I'm declaring myself a wireless free agent... who's with me?

My Sprint phonebill is $116 a month.

I used 61 daytime minutes last month, and an additional 500 something anytime minutes.

I have 1000 text messages (I used about 400 at SXSW thanks to Twitter).

I have EVDO and can use my phone as a modem.... although that hardly ever works... and I gotta be honest, the EVDO's really not that fast.

So, today, I called Sprint and asked what we could do to lower my bill.  For 10 bucks less, I could go to 450 daytime minutes.  Ok... that's a start.

Oh... just one thing... I'll have to start a new two year contract with Sprint. 

Um... yeah.. no thanks.  I mean, its not like they can offer to upgrade my phone... I already have the PPC-6700.  What could they upgrade me to?  An implant in my head?  Locking me in doesn't really provide me much value at all.

So, I'm declaring myself a free agent.  Any carrier can come and bid for me.

If they can get me the same phone, good coverage in my area, unlimited data EVDO, phone as modem, 1000 texts, free nights and weekends starting at 7 and about 400 daytime minutes, I'm willing to pay about $85 for that, month to month, no contract... after tax.  That's $1020 a year... I think a thousand dollars is definitely enough money to pay for wireless service. 

Come and bid for me, carriers!   I will switch at $85!

Isn't there some carrier marketing person reading this blog that can make this happen?

If you think you're overpaying for your current service, please comment on this post with what you want and what you think is a reasonable price to pay for it.  Be fair... they need to run a business. 

Then, tag this, digg this... we'll all put ourselves up for bidding together!   We're valuable customers and we want our service providers fighting for us!   

Who's with me??

Today's Avatar Song is... Enjoy the Silence

Word of Mouth Marketing Breakfast at NYU