On Thursday, we had an open softball practice for our Fordham team and conveniently enough, it was the 3rd Thursday of the month, so we followed it up with a Young Alumni Happy Hour as well.
(If you haven't been to one yet, its a lot of fun. Make sure you go to the Fordham website to update your contact info if you haven't already done so to get on the mailing list. We're working on an RSS feed for event news, but that's down the line.)
We practiced with some people from the GM team and played an exhibition team. The all-Fordham team won 9-6 versus a mix of GM and Fordham players. Kevin and Larry both went yard. Antoinette grounded out, which is major progress! There are lots more pictures online at my Flickr site.
Here are pics from Third Thursday and here is the growing collection of Fordham Softball '05 pics. If you're using Flickr and you have softball or Third Thursday pictures, tag them "FUSoftball05" and "ThirdThursday" respectively.