At Demo, Mena introduced her mom to do the next iteration of "Its so easy, my mom can use it." The team at Six Apart is building a product that her mom actually wants to use, because, these days parents can be pretty tech savvy. (So I hear, anyway...)
Well, I'm glad that Mena's mom knows how to use a computer, but my mom doesn't, nor does Nana. Yet, I'd love to find a way to connect them to all the content and photos I produce. I'd even like to copy them on e-mails.
Why doesn't somebody create a "convert to meatspace" service for e-mail and RSS. I'd definitely pay for Nana to get, each week, a printed copy of all my posts (well, minus the tech ones anyway), with embedded photos, mailed to her. In addition, I'd like to be able to send her e-mails at that someone would print out, put in an envelope, address, stamp, and mail for me. I hate snailmail. I hate stamps... never have them, never know where to get them.
I'm not saying this could ever be a huge business or is something we'd ever invest in... its just something I want. Plus, its got to be so easy to set up. Printers and mail machines are automatic now... you'd just have to hire a monkey to refill the paper. A website, a server, one printer, one mail stuffer, one postage machine and a basket that the post office picks up everyday... oh.. and the refill monkey. How hard could that be?