Milford, Connecticut, Fire Department Uses ArcGIS to Optimize Incident Response

I just got this in my mailbox...

Dear Charlie,

read the profile of you in Sunday’s “Newsday” and thought
your knowledge, experience, and success with blogging as a networking and
career building tool would make a great basis for a Learning Annex course.


If you don't know what the Learning Annex is, you obviously don't walk around the city much, because their little booklets with classes for people to take are everywhere.  Ok, so I'm definately going to do that, AND it could also help me with the book thing, because they have "How to Get Published" talks all the time, so I'm sure they know literary agents.

I may have mentioned this before, but the ultimate irony of all this is that its turning out that what is "going to be big" is the blog itself.

OPM chooses retirement system director

Documentary on lost Icons: superliner SS United States and Designer William Francis Gibbs