I spent the past weekend in Vermont with Zog Sports--skiing mostly, but I did take a snowboarding lesson yestersday morning. I didn't have much time to take any pictures or videos. Plus, my battery died out before my friend got a chance to get my mildly successful snowboard run down the bunny hill. However, I was able to pull a still from the video of my attire:
I didn't yell, "Coooobraaa!" don't the hill, but I was tempted.
We skiied at Okemo and Killington. I liked Okemo's trails much better. It was quieter and I felt like the trails were better insulated from the winds. Killington was like skiing in the artic. Being at the top of the mountain with the winds sweeping up made me feel like I was on some ill fated expidition where I'd have to figure out which one of the Zoggers I'd have to eat first.
Okemo had great powder on Saturday and if you get a chance, do the Rum Run. Its dinky on the map, but its longer than it appears and the scenery is really fantastic. Its not a hard trail at all, but its probably one of the nicest winter scenes I've been in.
Snowboarding was alright, but I'm a skiier. Legs need to be free, and so after my lesson, I switched and went right back to skiing.
It was a great trip and I'll definitely be going on the ZogSports ski trips in the future. Here's a pic of the Zoggers on the bus: