Being ceonyc...

New Plates

I use a lot of web services, and I sign up for even more...pretty much always with the same username...ceonyc.  It's even on my car.  For anyone who doesn't know by now, "ceo" happens to be my initials and "nyc" is where I live.  It doesn't mean I want to be the head of the city.  Anyway, this usage has had the amusing, but unintended effect of plastering the web with my screename.  The only thing I don't have related to it is the actual domain, which is taken by a New York City strip club.  Funny thing is, the Google search doesn't even put them on the front page.  They might as well give me the domain, because it doesn't really seem to be working for them.  :)   

There was also one other thing I didn't use ceonyc for, and that was my AOL screename, which has been stuck on ceo21 since 1998, when I first started using AOL.  21 is my number in baseball and softball and just about anything else that needs a number.  This week, I finally took the plunge and started asking people to IM me at ceonyc.  I had the name, but I wasn't using it because it was a pain to port over, one by one.  Unfortunately, I just got new business cards, so they'll have my old screename on them until I run out.  Eventually, though, I'll be on the web, unified under one identity....

, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc, ceonyc

There are lots of other places where I use this, too, but I don't think I really use any of them regularly...

Avatar Crazy... Playing with the competition

links for 2006-10-24