Professional Blog Spinoff

As I prepare for my upcoming Learning Annex gig on March 16th and I start working with NYSSA on an finance/investment related blogging seminar, on top of the new book idea, I'm realizing that I need a better vehicle to organize my thoughts (and promote them) in regards to blogging as a career tool.  Therefore, I've decided to spin off my existing posts on blogging as a career tool into a blog called Success Blogging.  I already got the domain name and I'm working on connecting it to my existing TypePad account.  On this new blog, I'll be posting about my thoughts related to the book, as well as all of the information and content that gets produced related to events that I am working on.  I'm excited to start a new blog with a definite theme and purpose, and I'm also happy that the complete randomness of my personal blog, "This is Going to Be Big..." can now be legitimately excused.  I haven't decided whether or not I'll be parallel posting across both blogs, but rest assured, when the new site is up and running and has new posts, I'll let you know on here. 

The Secret of the DTUT WiFi

The Message Board All Over Again